Bartholomew Photography

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The Financials of Senior Portraits

How Much Should You Spend On Senior Portraits

If you are the parent of a high school senior, then it is time to get the senior portraits on the schedule! We know the senior year is busy with pictures, proms, senior nights, and graduation parties.  To make things a little easier for you, we have compiled a few key facts and answered some of our most frequent questions about the finances of senior portraits so you can know what to expect and look for as you search for the perfect studio.

To be honest, there is a massive range in the average costs of senior portraits. Packages can be as low as $125 and can proceed upwards of $2,000. Why is there such a difference? It depends on how many outfit changes you want and the locations you travel to during the shoot. There is also the cost of prints to consider and the experience level and quality of equipment used by the photographer.

Think About Quality Over Quantity

When searching for a photographer to take your senior’s portraits in Las Vegas, you want to look for experience. If you want high-quality images that will stand the test of time, then you probably want to steer clear of the young photographers looking to “grow their career” and are offering tons of images at discounted rates. Instead, focus on Las Vegas photographers with years of experience, professional equipment, a studio space, and an outstanding portfolio.

While choosing an experienced photographer may increase the budget, you won’t be disappointed in the finished product. To learn more about what Bartholomew Photography has to offer for senior photos visit this page .

Why Are Senior Pictures So Expensive?

Cost of Maintenance

When you hire a professional photographer who uses high-quality equipment, you are paying for the talent, experience, and upkeep of the tools used to create your gorgeous portraits. In addition, most of the time, photographers will be performing these shoots on location as well. So, you need to factor in the cost of travel and labor, and time spent actively shooting.

Cost of Time

A photographer expects an additional 4 to 5 hours of work for every hour spent taking photos. This will involve communicating with the client before and after the session, as well as touch-ups and editing. When you think about the hours of work that go into creating beautiful portraits, it can be a bit easier to justify the expense.

Consider The Market

Suppose only a few professional photographers in the area provide high-quality senior portraits. In that case, you can expect the rates to be higher just because of supply and demand. Photographers are free to charge whatever they want when there is hardly any competition!

How Can I Save Money On Senior Portraits

Consider Traveling

If you live in a small town where there are only one or two photographers that everybody chooses to go to, but the prices are super high, consider traveling where there is a more extensive selection. You may find that the next city has a plethora of photographers, beautiful locations, and better price points.

Fewer Outfit Changes

While it can be tempting to have several outfit changes during the shoot to fully encompass who your senior is at this stage in life, cutting down on the outfit choices is a simple way to cut down on costs. Three outfits are a great number that still gives you a variety of looks. A formal outfit is excellent for yearbook pictures; if your teen has a letterman jacket or favorite sport/activity, you will want to showcase that in the shoot. And that still leaves one outfit of their choice that embodies their style.

Discuss Printing Rights

Before the photo session, ask the photographer if it is possible to buy a disc of all the images for one price instead of paying for individual photos. If you can obtain all the pictures and print them yourself, this can be a huge cost saver!

You can find out more about tips that Bartholomew Photography recommends by following the link.