Professional Headshots

Professional Headshots

You have chosen your career path and are ready to make a splash on the playing field by taking the dive and getting professional headshots. We genuinely believe this is one of the best investments you can make for your career. Excellent professional headshots help you ace that first impression for prospective employers or potential clients. Then, with a clean and high-quality look, you get your point across with just one glance!

5 Things To Consider About Professional Headshots

Let’s say this together: headshots are not selfies. There we said it. Headshots are different from any other picture you’ve taken of yourself. A professional photographer will take them to a studio with high-quality tech and equipment. However, there are some things you need to consider before arriving.

Be Comfortable In Front Of a Camera

This may seem like an odd statement, especially in a time of smartphones and social media, where we have cameras in our hands or back pockets at all hours of the day. But, if you are uncomfortable sitting and smiling into a lens, it’s time you practice. You don’t want your expression to look forced or anguished because you feel like a deer in headlights. So, instead, work on keeping your smile relaxed and natural so that your true self can shine through and, more importantly, you make this experience a positive one so that you can get the best business headshot possible!

Take Time Picking Out Your Outfit

Pick out your outfit at least a week before your scheduled headshots. It might mean investing in a new piece or outfit if you have nothing in your wardrobe that would be appropriate. This way, you will know that it is pressed and clean with no surprise spots or stains. It also lessens the anxiety of getting ready for your photos because you know it is hanging in your closet nicely for you.

Neutral and solid colors are the universal favorite for clothing to wear for headshots. You do not want distracting prints or structures that can give you an odd shape in the frame. A simple, modern/timeless black or dark blue suit is preferred by most people getting headshots.

Be Well Rested And Hydrated

Get plenty of sleep in the week leading up to your professional headshots. This might mean saying no to late-night outings or binge-watching shows, but you will thank yourself for this when you see your results! Rested skin appears more supple and vibrant than sallow skin with bags under the eyes. The difference is real.

Also, make sure you drink plenty of water. While this is important for your health in general, being well-hydrated helps with fine lines. In addition, it improves the texture of your skin overall. The camera loves bright, rested, hydrated skin, so do yourself a favor and be healthy!

Practice Your Makeup Or Hire A Professional Makeup Artist

Headshot makeup is much different than daily wear makeup. It is best to stick to matte finish makeup products and neutral colors. Anything with dewy or shimmery qualities can actually have a flushed and sweaty effect on camera. Sweaty is probably not the look you are going for with your professional headshots. Likewise, colorful or highly pigmented makeup can be distracting and not photograph well in studio lighting. Sticking with neutral eyeshadows can give a natural air of professionalism that employers and potential clients will appreciate.

Suppose you are unsure or feeling a bit overwhelmed by doing your headshot makeup. In that case, there is a considerable benefit to hiring a professional makeup artist. High-quality professional artists have plenty of experience in how makeup photographs. They also have kits full of high-quality products and tools you may not have access to in your supply bag.

Have A Well-Groomed Appearance

This should go without saying, but it is worth mentioning. Please, come to your studio session fresh, clean, and polished. Get the haircut; even if you feel you could make it another week, get the new cut! You may even find it beneficial to have a fresh blowout or cut and style before your professional headshots. Clean and healthy-looking hair can make a massive difference in the final results. If you have facial hair make sure it is well-groomed. Tend to your eyebrows if they are looking a bit unruly. Use concealer to help hide any blemishes.

Just remember that headshots are precisely that, photographs of your head. With that much focus on your upper body and face, you will want to ensure it looks pleasant and professional.